Ministry of Rural Development and Food

The address of Dir of Informatics is located in the building Acharnon 381 and Destounis 2, 111 43, Athens, Greece

The address of Headquarters is located in Acharnon 2
101 76,
210 212 4000


Contact Form


  1. Total Posts: 1090
  2. Total Resolved Posts: 173
  3. Total Unresolved Posts: 917
  4. Latest Member: Διαχειριστής Ιστοτόπου
Online Users

Government Links

Πρόγραμμα Διάυγεια  |  Υπ. Αγροτικής Ανάπτυξης & Τροφίμων open gov gr data gov gr

Useful Infromation

1540 Farmers Call Center 

The telephone number "1540" s an automatic telephone service system that is interfacing with the information systems of the Ministry and provides automated answering services.

Contact Us


Hellenic Ministry of Rural Development and Food |

Address: 2 Acharnon,Athens, 101 76, Greece, |

Call Center: +30 (210) 212-4000 |  

Farmers Call Center: 1540 | email: |


The address of Dir of e-Government and Informatics is: Acharnon 381 & Destouni 2,

Postcode.: 111 43, Athens.


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